Hey guys I am trying to consume ASP webservice in my php script. But i am stuck in one problem.
$soapClient = new SoapClient("http://test.etech.net/PanelIntegration/PanelIntegration.asmx?wsdl");
$sh_param = array(
开发者_StackOverflow中文版 'Username' => 'mueksh',
'Password' => 'bisht');
and i am using UpdateInstruction method
$result->call("UpdateInstruction ",$sh_param);
Now in return i have get Username and Passsword not Supplied. Can anybody tell me where i am wrong.
Use the PHP5 standard SoapClient class instead of NuSoap (which was developed for PHP4 because it had no native SOAP support) and use SoapClient::__getLastRequest() to find out exactly what XML the Soap call is generating.