I need to deal with the table name as a variable.Then I must using dynamic sql and therefore I must using Stored procedure. But the problem that how can I use the stored procedure like a custom sql function.
开发者_开发知识库e.g: select col1,(Exec sp1 param1,'tbName') from table1
Finally,I changed my design and and use dynamic SQL in one upper level.
This will be posible in sql server denali that introduces the new keywords "WITH RESULTSET".
The alternative on current sql versions is passing a temp-table to the stored procedure
Stored procedures can return scalar values through output parameters. Here's an example (from here).
Create the stored procedure like this:
@intInput INT,
@intOutput INT OUTPUT
SET @intOutput = @intInput + 1
Call it like this:
DECLARE @intResult INT
EXEC _4P_test 3, @intResult OUT
SELECT @intResult
However you should try to design your system so that you don't have to use dynamic SQL in the way you described.