I'm working on a little App which works with a SQLite Database... i'm showing a picture (green, yellow or red) which depends on a priority. i have 3 priorities (high, medium and low...) and i'm getting those cursors as following:
cursorh = dbAdapter.fetchAllHighPrio();
cursorm = dbAdapter.fetchAllMedPrio();
cursorl = dbAdapter.fetchAllLowPrio();
Then i'm calling some other stuff like this:
String[] from = new String[] { TodoDbAdapter.KEY_SUMMARY };
int[] to = new int[] { R.id.label };
SimpleCursorAdapter noteh = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
R.layout.todo_row_high, cursorh, from, to);
SimpleCursorAdapter notem = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
R.layout.todo_row_med, cursorm, from, to);
SimpleCursorAdapter notel = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,
R.layout.todo_row_low, cursorl, from, to);
so then i have all of my stuff prepared to show on my list... but if i use setListAdapter i can only use 1 of them. since i have 3 different layouts with the different cursors, this is really pretty hard to do. How can i get all those 3 SimpleCursorAdapters to show in my list now?
EDIT: Maybe i wasnt clear enough... All of this data is in only one table... but since i have 3 different layouts (because of the different priority colors) i need to add them seperately... or is there any other way of just saying like if the priority equals 'high' put this image in layout so i only need one SimpleCursorAdapter?
You can create a VIEW that would combine data from all 3 tables + an extra column to tell which table the data came from. Then you query from it and return appropriate row View
s in a custom CursorAdapter
To my knowledge, you would be unable to attach more than one adapter to a ListView. Unfortunately, I think you may need to approach this in a little different way.
- You could stick with one adapter and make sure your sorting is correct in your database query.
- You could create one adapter and loop through each cursor, adding items to that single adapter (probably not a Cursor Adapter but more like an ArrayAdapter).
- You could, I suppose, Use a LinearLayout with 3 ListViews weighted to 1 each and have 3 separately scrolling lists on the screen at one time...
Depending on how you actually want the application to work, there could be several different approaches.