I have a problem parsing a line with regex
This is the line it will parse (called string Line)
this is the code to seperate it in pieces:
string[] parts = Regex.Split(Line, "\\");
but it says:
"\" invalid \ at the end of the pattern
dunno what is means...
Why use a regex when string.Split
will do?
string[] parts = Line.Split('\\');
You either need to escape the slash "\\"
or make it a literal string @"\"
You don't seem to have escaped the \.
try \\
Why not use String.Split() ?
And your trailing \ needs to be escaped thusly: \
If all you want to do is split a string into an array on a single character (backslash), try
string s = @"my\dog\has\fleas" ;
string[] words = s.split('\\') ;
Don't use a chainsaw if all you need is a paring knife.