
Mendeley Custom OAuth Strategy

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-05 11:41 出处:网络
Mendeley has a great API (in fact they have put up a contest using their API, this question is not specific to that though), that uses OAuth.

Mendeley has a great API (in fact they have put up a contest using their API, this question is not specific to that though), that uses OAuth.

I am trying to write a strategy to allow Mendeley Authentication, and am having quite a bit of trouble doing so..

I go to /auth/mendeley, it redirects me to Mendeley.com, I authenticate, then it redirects me to a page with nothing on it but this

{"error":"Consumer key not found"}

They mention this is a 3 leg OAuth, is that something that requires an extra step than what OAuth typically does?

Here is what I have:

# /config/in开发者_如何学Citializers/omniauth.rb

module OmniAuth
  module Strategies
    # tell omniauth to load the strategy
    autoload :Mendeley, 'lib/mendeley'

# gather oauth credentials from the yml file
OAUTH = YAML.load_file(File.join(Rails.root, "config", "oauth.yml"))

# load all the possible oauth strategies
ActionController::Dispatcher.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
  provider OmniAuth::Strategies::Mendeley, OAUTH['mendeley']['consumer_key'], OAUTH['mendeley']['consumer_secret']


# lib/mendeley.rb

require 'omniauth/oauth'
require 'multi_json'

module OmniAuth
  module Strategies

    # Omniauth strategy for using oauth2 and mendeley.com

    class Mendeley < OAuth2
      def initialize(app, consumer_key = nil, consumer_secret = nil, &block)
        client_options = {
          :site => 'http://api.mendeley.com'

        super(app, :mendeley, consumer_key, consumer_secret, client_options, &block)

I know you asked this a long time ago, but I needed an OmniAuth plugin for Mendeley myself. As a result, I wrote a gem that should help people out in the future. It works very similarly to other OmniAuth strategies.


By looking at this page, it looks like they support OAuth 1, but in your code you subclass OAuth2.

Are you sure they support it?

Did it myself - Pull request: https://github.com/intridea/omniauth/pull/587/files#diff-13



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