I need to fetch 'Apple'from the Description column of a table where user search 'The apple not the'. I have written something like this
set @ExactKey = N'The Apple'
set @NotKey =N'the'
SELECT R.ResourceId
FROM开发者_运维百科 Resource R
WHERE Description LIKE @ExactKey OR ExternalIdentifier LIKE @ExactKey
AND ExternalIdentifier NOT LIKE @NotKey OR Description NOT LIKE @NotKey
This is not working
To use a LIKE
, you need to include %
Change your search strings to these:
set @ExactKey = N'%The Apple%'
set @NotKey = N'%the%'
However this isn't going to work, unless you have case sensitivity turned on, as the
will match the
in the apple
You'd need to force a binary or case sensitive collation for the LIKE and use leading and trailing %
wildcards (Edit: as noted by ck).
I'm also guessing your ANDs/ORs are wrong too because of:
- operator precedence
- I assume you want to have the LIKE/NOT LIKE on the same column
Something like
Description COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN LIKE @ExactKey
Description COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NOT LIKE @NotKey
ExternalIdentifier COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN LIKE @ExactKey
ExternalIdentifier COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN NOT LIKE @NotKey
You'd be better with full text search though. What about the words "theory" or "tithe"?