I have a huge project with both of ActiveRecord and ActiveResource models. I need to implement logging of user activity with these models and also to log changes of model attributes (save object state or somthing like that). Changes can made by users or cron rake tasks.
I also must have possibility to search any data by date , any field ..etc
Will be nice also to generate readable messages with last activity , for example
- User Bob change his password to * and email to ** at 2011-08-12 08:12
- Staff Jeff added new partner: Company name at 2011-08-12 08:13
- Admin Jack deleted product : Product name at 2011-09-12 11:11
- Client Sam ordered new service : Service name at 2011-09-12 11:12
Does anybody implement such logging? Ideas? Advices?
should I use gems or can I do all the logic with observers not changing models?
I liked gem https://github.com/airblade/pape开发者_JS百科r_trail can anybody say how can I make it work with activeresource ?
You are looking for
Few open source projects use that plugin I think Red Mine as well as The Foreman.
Edit: Unfortunately it can do only ActiveRecord, not ActiveResource.
Fivell, I just saw this question and don't have time to work up alterations this evening before the bounty expires, so I'll give you my auditing code that works with ActiveRecord and should work with ActiveResource, perhaps with a few tweaks (I don't use ARes often enough to know offhand). I know the callbacks we use are there, but I'm not sure if ARes has ActiveRecord's dirty attribute changes
This code logs each CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE on all models (excepting CREATEs on the audit log model and any other exceptions you specify) with the changes stored as JSON. A cleaned backtrace is also stored so you can determine what code made the change (this captures any point in your MVC as well as rake tasks and console usage).
This code works for console usage, rake tasks, and http requests, although generally only the last one logs the current user. (If I recall correctly, the ActiveRecord observer that this replaced did not work in rake tasks or the console.) Oh, this code comes from a Rails 2.3 app - I have a couple Rails 3 apps, but I haven't needed this kind of auditing for them yet.
I don't have code that builds a nice display of this information (we only dig into the data when we need to look into an issue), but since the changes are stored as JSON it should be fairly straightforward.
First, we store the current user in User.current so it is accessible everywhere, so in app/models/user.rb
Class User < ActiveRecord::Base
cattr_accessor :current
The current user is set in the application controller for each request like so (and does not cause concurrency issues):
def current_user
User.current = session[:user_id] ? User.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) : nil
You could set User.current
in your rake tasks if it made sense to.
Next, we define the model to store the audit info app/models/audit_log_entry.rb
- you'll want to customize IgnoreClassesRegEx
to fit any models you don't want audited:
# == Schema Information
# Table name: audit_log_entries
# id :integer not null, primary key
# class_name :string(255)
# entity_id :integer
# user_id :integer
# action :string(255)
# data :text
# call_chain :text
# created_at :datetime
# updated_at :datetime
class AuditLogEntry < ActiveRecord::Base
IgnoreClassesRegEx = /^ActiveRecord::Acts::Versioned|ActiveRecord.*::Session|Session|Sequence|SchemaMigration|CronRun|CronRunMessage|FontMetric$/
belongs_to :user
def entity (reload = false)
@entity = nil if reload
@entity ||= Kernel.const_get(class_name).find_by_id(entity_id)
def call_chain
return if call_chain_before_type_cast.blank?
if call_chain_before_type_cast.instance_of?(Array)
def data
return if data_before_type_cast.blank?
if data_before_type_cast.instance_of?(Hash)
def self.debug_entity(class_name, entity_id)
require 'fastercsv'
FasterCSV.generate do |csv|
csv << %w[class_name entity_id date action first_name last_name data]
find_all_by_class_name_and_entity_id(class_name, entity_id,
:order => 'created_at').each do |a|
csv << [a.class_name, a.entity_id, a.created_at, a.action,
(a.user && a.user.first_name), (a.user && a.user.last_name), a.data]
Next we add some methods to ActiveRecord::Base
to make the audits work. You'll want to look at the audit_log_clean_backtrace
method and modify for your needs. (FWIW, we put additions to existing classes in lib/extensions/*.rb
which are loaded in an initializer.) In lib/extensions/active_record.rb
class ActiveRecord::Base
cattr_accessor :audit_log_backtrace_cleaner
after_create :audit_log_on_create
before_update :save_audit_log_update_diff
after_update :audit_log_on_update
after_destroy :audit_log_on_destroy
def audit_log_on_create
return if self.class.name =~ /AuditLogEntry/
return if self.class.name =~ AuditLogEntry::IgnoreClassesRegEx
audit_log_create 'CREATE', self, caller
def save_audit_log_update_diff
@audit_log_update_diff = changes.reject{ |k,v| 'updated_at' == k }
def audit_log_on_update
return if self.class.name =~ AuditLogEntry::IgnoreClassesRegEx
return if @audit_log_update_diff.empty?
audit_log_create 'UPDATE', @audit_log_update_diff, caller
def audit_log_on_destroy
return if self.class.name =~ AuditLogEntry::IgnoreClassesRegEx
audit_log_create 'DESTROY', self, caller
def audit_log_create (action, data, call_chain)
AuditLogEntry.create :user => User.current,
:action => action,
:class_name => self.class.name,
:entity_id => id,
:data => data.to_json,
:call_chain => audit_log_clean_backtrace(call_chain).to_json
def audit_log_clean_backtrace (backtrace)
if !ActiveRecord::Base.audit_log_backtrace_cleaner
ActiveRecord::Base.audit_log_backtrace_cleaner = ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner.new
ActiveRecord::Base.audit_log_backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /\/lib\/rake\.rb/ }
ActiveRecord::Base.audit_log_backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /\/bin\/rake/ }
ActiveRecord::Base.audit_log_backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /\/lib\/(action_controller|active_(support|record)|hoptoad_notifier|phusion_passenger|rack|ruby|sass)\// }
ActiveRecord::Base.audit_log_backtrace_cleaner.add_filter { |line| line.gsub(RAILS_ROOT, '') }
ActiveRecord::Base.audit_log_backtrace_cleaner.clean backtrace
Finally, here are the tests we have on this - you'll need to modify the actual test actions of course. test/integration/audit_log_test.rb
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
class AuditLogTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest
def setup
def test_audit_log
u = users(:manager)
log_in u
a = Alert.first :order => 'id DESC'
visit 'alerts/new'
fill_in 'alert_note'
click_button 'Send Alert'
a = Alert.first :order => 'id DESC', :conditions => ['id > ?', a ? a.id : 0]
ale = AuditLogEntry.first :conditions => {:class_name => 'Alert', :entity_id => a.id }
assert_equal 'Alert', ale.class_name
assert_equal 'CREATE', ale.action
def log_in (user, password = 'test', initial_url = home_path)
visit initial_url
assert_contain 'I forgot my password'
fill_in 'email', :with => user.email
fill_in 'password', :with => password
click_button 'Log In'
def log_out
visit logout_path
assert_contain 'I forgot my password'
And test/unit/audit_log_entry_test.rb
# == Schema Information
# Table name: audit_log_entries
# id :integer not null, primary key
# class_name :string(255)
# action :string(255)
# data :text
# user_id :integer
# created_at :datetime
# updated_at :datetime
# entity_id :integer
# call_chain :text
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
class AuditLogEntryTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
test 'should handle create update and delete' do
record = Alert.new :note => 'Test Alert'
assert_difference 'Alert.count' do
assert_difference 'AuditLogEntry.count' do
ale = AuditLogEntry.first :order => 'created_at DESC'
assert ale
assert_equal 'CREATE', ale.action, 'AuditLogEntry.action should be CREATE'
assert_equal record.class.name, ale.class_name, 'AuditLogEntry.class_name should match record.class.name'
assert_equal record.id, ale.entity_id, 'AuditLogEntry.entity_id should match record.id'
assert_difference 'AuditLogEntry.count' do
record.update_attribute 'note', 'Test Update'
ale = AuditLogEntry.first :order => 'created_at DESC'
expected_data = {'note' => ['Test Alert', 'Test Update']}
assert ale
assert_equal 'UPDATE', ale.action, 'AuditLogEntry.action should be UPDATE'
assert_equal expected_data, ale.data
assert_equal record.class.name, ale.class_name, 'AuditLogEntry.class_name should match record.class.name'
assert_equal record.id, ale.entity_id, 'AuditLogEntry.entity_id should match record.id'
assert_difference 'AuditLogEntry.count' do
ale = AuditLogEntry.first :order => 'created_at DESC'
assert ale
assert_equal 'DESTROY', ale.action, 'AuditLogEntry.action should be CREATE'
assert_equal record.class.name, ale.class_name, 'AuditLogEntry.class_name should match record.class.name'
assert_equal record.id, ale.entity_id, 'AuditLogEntry.entity_id should match record.id'
assert_nil Alert.find_by_id(record.id), 'Alert should be deleted'
test 'should not log AuditLogEntry create entry and block on update and delete' do
record = Alert.new :note => 'Test Alert'
assert_difference 'Alert.count' do
assert_difference 'AuditLogEntry.count' do
ale = AuditLogEntry.first :order => 'created_at DESC'
assert_equal 'CREATE', ale.action, 'AuditLogEntry.action should be CREATE'
assert_equal record.class.name, ale.class_name, 'AuditLogEntry.class_name should match record.class.name'
assert_equal record.id, ale.entity_id, 'AuditLogEntry.entity_id should match record.id'
assert_nil AuditLogEntry.first(:conditions => { :class_name => 'AuditLogEntry', :entity_id => ale.id })
if ale.user_id.nil?
u = User.first
u = User.first :conditions => ['id != ?', ale.user_id]
ale.user_id = u.id
assert !ale.save
assert !ale.destroy
are both great solutions for ActiveRecord
only, but since much of ActiveRecord
has been extracted to ActiveModel
, it's likely to be reasonable to extend either to support ActiveResource
as well, at least for read-only support. I looked through the Github network graphs and googled around and there doesn't appear to be any ongoing development of such a solution, nevertheless I expect it will be easier to implement on top of one of these two plugins than starting from scratch. paper_trail
appears to be under more active development and has some commits for Rails 3.1, so it may be more up to date with Rails internals and easier to extend, but that's just a gut instinct—I'm not familiar with the internals of either.
The acts_as_audited gem should work well for you:
And as far as ActiveResource is considered, it will also be a model in some other application. You can use the gem at the server side, and you don't need to audit it at the client side. All the CRUD operations using ActiveResource would finally translate to CRUD operations on the ActiveRecord (on server side).
So probably you need to look at it from a distance, and the same solution would apply in both the cases, but at different places.
for tracking user activity(CRUD ), i've created a class inherits from Logger, and now I am planing to write a litle plugin for tracking user that i can use for any ROR application built. I have already checked if there is a plugin like that but I didn’t see. I guess there are many gem like paper-trail, acts_as_audited or itslog but i prefer to use a plugin. Any suggestions? Here is a link that might help you : http://robaldred.co.uk/2009/01/custom-log-files-for-your-ruby-on-rails-applications/comment-page-1/#comment-342
nice coding