Can somone explain me why the output of this small perl script is "foofoo" (and not "foo") ?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $var="a";
print $var."\n";
Without the g option it works as I though it would but why is the global option matching pattern twice ?
In bash output is "foo" as expected
echo "a"|sed -e "s/.*/foo/g"
Any explanation would be appreciate开发者_运维百科d.
First .*
matches the a, then it matches the empty string after the a. Maybe you want .+
It is more fun if you try
You will get
The ? modifier matches 1 or 0 times. If you remove the g, you will get
because it will only replace the empty string, the first one it finds. I love perl.
This is because you're using .*
instead of .+
The * modifier tells the regex engine to match (and replace in your example) the string "a", then a zero-length string (and replace it, as well).
You can test this by using this regex in your sample code:
You'll then see this output:
If you add re to your code:
use re 'debug';
you will see that the regular expression successfully matches twice:
Compiling REx `.*'
size 3 Got 28 bytes for offset annotations.
first at 2
1: STAR(3)
2: REG_ANY(0)
3: END(0)
anchored(MBOL) implicit minlen 0
Offsets: [3]
2[1] 1[1] 3[0]
Matching REx ".*" against "a"
Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=5
0 <> <a> | 1: STAR
REG_ANY can match 1 times out of 2147483647...
Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=5
1 <a> <> | 3: END
Match successful!
Matching REx ".*" against ""
Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=7
1 <a> <> | 1: STAR
REG_ANY can match 0 times out of 2147483647...
Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=7
1 <a> <> | 3: END
Match successful!
Matching REx ".*" against ""
Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=7
1 <a> <> | 1: STAR
REG_ANY can match 0 times out of 2147483647...
Setting an EVAL scope, savestack=7
1 <a> <> | 3: END
Match possible, but length=0 is smaller than requested=1, failing!
Match failed
Freeing REx: `".*"'