I'm having a serious issue when trying to display a FlareCanvas within my application. It simply doesn't respect the bounds (see image here)
I've tried "clipContent" and a bunch of alternatives but nothing seems to prevent the canvas of being 开发者_开发知识库"passing" over its container. What should I do? It is taking me several weeks!
In Flex main.mxml:
<flexvis:FlareCanvas id="graph" width="800" height="600" verticalScrollPolicy="on" clipContent="true" horizontalScrollPolicy="on" />
The full class FlareCanvas which FCACanvas extends is in: https://github.com/prefuse/Flare/blob/master/flare/src-flex-integration/flare/flex/vis/FlareCanvas.as
Yeah, the code used for FlareCanvas isn't exactly the best. If I were you, I'd just wrap the FlareCanvas into another container that would clip the contents to solve your problem.