I have a column of ntext data type and NOT XML. It stores all xml data. I need to update xml node in the records. It throws an error saying "Incorrect use of the xml data type method 'modify'. A non-mutator method is expected in this context."
begin transaction
declare @Cps_Id int;
set @Cps_Id = 236;
declare @Cps_Message nvarchar(1024);
set @Cps_Message = 'updating cpsia message with smoking';
update table_name
set column_name = CONVERT(xml,column_name).modify('replace value of (/root/ProductInformation/CPSIA/CpsiaDetails/Item[CpsiaId=sql:variable("@Cps_Id")]/CpsiaMessage/text())[1] with sql:variable("@Cps_Message")')
WHERE Convert(xml,column_name).exist('/root/ProductInformation/CPSIA/CpsiaDetails/Item[CpsiaId=sql:variable("@Cps_Id")]')=1
Sample XML:
<Name> Truck with Battery Charger</Name>
<CpsiaMessage>to health</CpsiaMessage>
You need to use the modify method on the XML data type.
begin transaction
declare @Cps_Id int;
set @Cps_Id = 236;
declare @Cps_Message nvarchar(1024);
set @Cps_Message = 'updating cpsia message with smoking';
select id, CONVERT(xml,[text]) txt into #tmp from SO5954359
select * from #tmp
update #tmp
set txt.modify('replace value of (/root/ProductInformation/CPSIA/CpsiaDetails/Item[CpsiaId=sql:variable("@Cps_Id")]/CpsiaMessage/text())[1] with sql:variable("@Cps_Message")')
select * from #tmp
drop table #tmp
You could then update the original table by joining the updated temporary table to the original table on the key.