I am having 2 lists and I need to create different sublists where the order shouldn't be used again ( refer to example for clarity)
list1= [ a, b, c, d]
list2= [A, B, C, D]
I need all possible sublists like
[a, B,C,D], [ a,b, C, D], [A,B,c,d], [a,b,c,D] ...
there are 2 pow 4 = 16 solutions [looking for 2 pow N solutio开发者_JAVA百科n]
Thank you in advance
list1 = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
list2 = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
for i in xrange(2**len(list1)):
output = []
for j in xrange(0, len(list1)):
bit = i & (1 << j)
if bit == 0:
print output
I have a feeling it can be done better, but this works, at least:
from itertools import product
a = "abcd"
A = "ABCD"
print [[a[y] if x[y] else A[y] for y in range(len(x))] \
for x in product(range(2), repeat=4)]
EDIT: An alternative way:
lists = ["abcd", "ABCD"]
print [[lists[y][i] for i, y in enumerate(x)] \
for x in product(range(2), repeat=4)]
EDIT 2: A generic solution for any number of lists:
def sublist(*lists):
if not len(set(len(x) for x in lists)) == 1:
raise ValueError("Lists must all be the same length")
length = len(lists[0])
return [[lists[y][i] for i, y in enumerate(x)] \
for x in product(range(len(lists)), repeat=length)]
print sublist("ab", "AB", "12")
# [['a', 'b'], ['a', 'B'], ['a', '2'], ['A', 'b'], ['A', 'B'], ['A', '2'], ['1', 'b'], ['1', 'B'], ['1', '2']]
recursion is your friend:
def sublists(l1, l2):
if not l1:
return [l1]
sl = sublists(l1[1:], l2[1:])
return [l1[:1] + l for l in sl] + [l2[:1] + l for l in sl]
Or, if you like generators:
def subgen(l1, l2):
if not l1:
yield l1
for sl in subgen(l1[1:], l2[1:]):
yield l1[:1] + sl
yield l2[:1] + sl
import itertools
[[(y if selector else x) for (selector, x, y) in zip(lidxs, list1, list2)]
for lidxs in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=4)]
[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
['a', 'b', 'c', 'D'],
['a', 'b', 'C', 'd'],
['A', 'B', 'c', 'D'],
['A', 'B', 'C', 'd'],
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']]
[[[list1, list2][lidx][i] for (i, lidx) in enumerate(lidxs)]
for lidxs in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=4)]]
Replace [...] for (...) to get a lazy generator. If you prefer the (slightly) more verbose yield instead of one-liners, it can be easily converted. For example the second example, generalized:
def generate_sublists(*lsts):
for lidxs in itertools.product(range(len(lsts)), repeat=len(lsts[0])):
yield [lsts[lidx][i] for (i, lidx) in enumerate(lidxs)]
from itertools import imap, product
a = "abcd"
A = "ABCD"
print [[[a,A][i][j] for j,i in each] for each in imap(enumerate, product((0, 1), repeat=4))]
But this is better, IMO:
from itertools import izip, product
a = 'abcd'
A = 'ABCD'
choices = zip(a, A)
print [[c[i] for c, i in izip(choices, p)] for p in product((0, 1), repeat=4)]
Also this works:
from functools import partial
from itertools import product
a = 'abcd'
A = 'ABCD'
mapped = partial(map, tuple.__getitem__, zip(a, A))
print [mapped(p) for p in product((0, 1), repeat=4)]