I have a file named purchase.rb that I am using to test Activemerchant with Trustcommerce:
require "rubygems" require "active_merchant"
Use the TrustCommerce test servers
ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test amount = 1000
credit_card = ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard.new(
:first_name => 'againchangeD',
:last_name => 'Tessdsdst',
:number => '4242424242424242',
:month => '8',
:year => '2012',
:verification_value => '123'
billing_address = { :address1 => '9909 Down the Road',
:city => 'San Francisco', :state => 'CA',
:country => 'US', :zip => '23456', :phone => '(555)555-5555'}
options = {:billing_address => billing_address}
# Validating the card automatically detects the card type
if credit_card.valid?
# Create a gateway object for the TrustCommerce service
gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::TrustCommerceGateway.new(
:login => "xxxxxx",
:password => "xxxxxx"
# response = gateway.authorize(amount, credit_card)
# This is transid received from sandbox with authorize() ran before
trans_id = 027-0004842047
response = gateway.capture(amount,trans_id)
if response.success?
good = 'yes'
puts "Successful #{good}"
puts "NO"
raise StandardError, response.message
I run ruby purchase.rb on the terminal and I get: Invalid octal dig开发者_开发技巧it because of 027-0004842047. Anybody know how to get around this? Does it make a difference if I actually build a rails app instead of running the file like this with ruby command? Thanks
Stupid me...
This solved the issue: trans_id = '027-0004842047'
I had to treat it as a string