I have written a VBScript which is supposed to tranverse all nodes in an XML file, irrespective of the depth of th开发者_高级运维e tree. This it does well except that the node names for the those nodes which are 2 or more levels deep are not displayed. I need the node names as well as the values so that I have name/value pairs for further processing by other programs. Can anyone please help me in getting the missing node names displayed.
Below is my code:
<script type="text/vbscript">
Set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Dim objDocElem, strNode, strSubNode, xmlnn, xmlnv, xmlnc, xmldd, xmlfd, xmlfv
Set n_firstchild = xmldoc.documentElement.firstChild
Set p_node = n_firstchild.parentNode
Set pn_attribs = p_node.attributes
For Each pnAttr in pn_attribs
xmlfd = xmlfd & pnAttr.name & chr(9)
xmlfv = xmlfv & pnAttr.value & chr(9)
Set objDocElem=xmlDoc.documentElement
Set y = objDocElem.childNodes
Do While i < y.length
If y(i).nodeType <> 3 Then
If Isnull(y(i).childNodes(0).nodeValue) Then
xmlnv = xmlnv & "Category" & chr(9)
xmlnv = xmlnv & y(i).childNodes(0).nodeValue & chr(9)
End If
xmlnn = xmlnn & y(i).nodeName & chr(9)
xmlnc = xmlnc + 1
Do While z < y(i).childNodes.length
If y(i).childNodes(z).nodeType <> 3 Then
xmlnc = xmlnc + 1
xmlnn = xmlnn & y(i).childNodes(z).nodeName & chr(9)
xmlnv = xmlnv & y(i).childNodes(z).text & chr(9)
End If
End If
document.write("form details: " & xmlfd & "<br />")
document.write("form values: " & xmlfv & "<br /><br />")
document.write("node names: " & xmlnn & "<br />")
document.write("node values: " & xmlnv & "<br />")
document.write("<br />node count: " & xmlnc & "<br />")
and the XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<form penid="AJX-AAE-CRB-7P" submitted="2009-09-10 14:57:07" updated="2009-09-10 15:05:22" finalised="2009-09-10 15:59:48">
<WinSoftware>Product One</WinSoftware>
<MacSoftware>Product Two</MacSoftware>
<LnxSoftware>Product Three</LnxSoftware>
<HouseName>Just Tea House</HouseName>
<PostCode>B87 7DF</PostCode>
<Insurer>ABC Cars</Insurer>
<PolicyNumber>FDA 8D3JD7K</PolicyNumber>
<VehicleReg>EX51 CBA</VehicleReg>
<DescriptionOfDamage>Big smash on the from</DescriptionOfDamage>
Please, try this:
set nodes = xmlDoc.selectNodes("//*")
for i = 0 to nodes.length
document.write(nodes(i).nodeName & " - " & nodes(i).text & "<br />")