With no background on ivy dependencies I'm trying to build nutch with solr 4.0, but I'm not sure how to change the nutch ivy dependency on solr in the ivy.xml:开发者_JS百科
<dependency org="org.apache.solr" name="solr-solrj" *rev="**1.4.1**"*
conf="*->default" />
I've no clue on where those revisions are set, as they certainly don't correspond to svn revisions. Neither do they correspond to maven versions (the version would be 4.0-SNAPSHOT). So where would I typically find the available ivy revisions? Also, is it possible to checkout the dependency against a given svn revision? At that revision it works as I want, but I'm not sure about the latest instead.
Neither do they correspond to maven versions (the version would be 4.0-SNAPSHOT). So where would I typically find the available ivy revisions?
False, they correspond.
So where would I typically find the available ivy revisions?
Maven central repo (solr in maven central repo)
Also, is it possible to checkout the dependency against a given svn revision? mvn install locally, and then refer to your snapshot. For Solr:
<dependency org="org.apache.solr" name="solr-solrj" rev="4.0-SNAPSHOT"