I never really understood the point of 开发者_运维技巧binding, beyond it being effectively shorthand for addeventlistener.
is there more to it? am I missing something?
thanks, dsdsdsdsd
Data binding is all about declaratively defining how data is displayed in the UI. Under the hood, it is a bit more complicated, because there are more needs than just hooking addEventListener
to support the features of data binding.
It is a very powerful feature, actually, and to understand it more, we can look at a simple "Hello World" application:
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<s:TextInput id="input" />
<s:Label text="Hello {input.text}" />
Now, compile this app with the --keep
compiler flag and look at the new folder "bin-debug/generated". We are interested in HelloWorld-generated.as
Here is where that binding gets defined and called from the constructor:
private function _HelloWorld_bindingsSetup():Array
var result:Array = [];
result[0] = new mx.binding.Binding(this,
var result:* = "Hello " + (input.text);
return (result == undefined ? null : String(result));
return result;
A little later, in the HelloWorld constructor, you get a call to set up the watchers:
function(propertyName:String):* { return target[propertyName]; },
function(propertyName:String):* { return HelloWorld[propertyName]; },
Which really just does this:
watchers[0] = new mx.binding.PropertyWatcher("input",
{ propertyChange: true },
[ bindings[0] ] ,
propertyGetter );
watchers[1] = new mx.binding.PropertyWatcher("text",
{ change: true,
textChanged: true },
[ bindings[0] ],
Things get more complicated with two-way bindings.
Data Binding in Flex 4 COULD I guess be described as a shortcut for addEventListener() - but that's a bit like saying that cars are just a shortcut for walking. If you're only going around the block, no big deal - but if you're building a complex application with lots of item renderers and lots of data points that can vary at a moment's notice, data binding lets you avoid writing hundreds of addEventListener() and removeEventListener() calls, as well as their associated handlers. It's kind of a really big deal, in that context.