Not using the fact that the Integer type belongs to the Show class define a function
integerTostring :: Integer -> String
Hi开发者_JAVA百科nt: use the function
unfoldr :: (b-> Maybe(a,b))->b->[a])
from the List module, defined by the formula
unfoldr f b=
case f b of
Nothing -> []
Just (a,b) -> a : unfoldr f b
**data Maybe a = Nothing| Just a deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)**
The Char module exports the function
intToDigit :: Int -> Char
the standard prelude offers the following method of the class Enum:
fromEnum :: (Enum a) => a -> Int
and the Integer type belongs to the Enum class...
What I did is:
import List, Char
integerToString :: Integer -> String
integerToString = reverse.unfoldr(\a -> if a>0 then Just(IntToDigit$fromEnum$a'mod'10,a'div'10)else Nothing
Is that what i had to do? if not then what to do ?
Yeah, that's a good solution, although you forgot to handle negative integers and 0. Also, I suggest using the divMod
function instead of using div
and mod