hi web2py newbie here how do i get information which browser user is using ..using web2py
i am trying below code
but giving me result like
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534.24 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/11.0.696.60 Safari/534.24
but I am only using chrom开发者_开发百科e here how do i get that?
thanks zoer that doesnot worked for me.
i was thinking to identify it using javascript and send to controller function i also want identify operating system as well
i have found this way through which u can send values to controller but i am not geting how to use it
$.post(CONTROLLER_URL, {'browser': chrome}, function HANDLER)) and will get this value in request.vars.browse
but i am geting how to use it..is anyone know how to use $.post?
You will always get results like that, because it's how the browsers' engines are identified (see user-agent article on Wikipedia).
You have to manually parse the user-agent string, something like:
if 'Chrome' in browser:
users_browser = 'chrome'
In new versions 2.* every request includes browser info by calling request.user_agent()
That function uses:
from gluon.contrib import user_agent_parser
Example info:
browser : name : Firefox
version : 15.0.1
is_mobile: False
is_tablet: False
os : name : Windows
version : NT 6.1
This info is always in session._user_agent
So you can check:
if session._user_agent['browser']['name']=='Chrome':
...your code
I think you should do what Zaur has suggested assuming all you want to detect is Chrome. Otherwise you can check httpagentparser