is there a php function for doing something like this: turning this - 701 First Ave, Sunnyvale, CA to this - 701+First+Ave,+Sunnyvale,+CA thanks开发者_StackOverflow中文版.
If you only want to replace spaces:
$result = str_replace(" ", "+", $source);
Documentation for str_replace
If you also want to replace other characters that would interfere on the URL (like ?
, &
, etc)
$result = urlencode($source);
Documentation for urlencode
str_replace(" ", "+", $address);
should do the trick.
This is especially designed to encode string to used in URL. There is a mirror function for decoding back as well, just check the doc.
Yes, there is: urlencode
function replaceSpaceByPlus($string) {
return str_replace(" ", "+", $string);
and use echo replaceSpaceByPlus($string);
where string it the tekst you want to have replaced (or return, or whatever you want to do with the value.
Why do you need it? Maybe you're searching for urlencode()?
Otherwise, for a simple replace go for str_replace(), but if you need to url-encode a string, than you should really go for urlencode() which is more fit, because replaces all the symbols that are not allowed in a URL.