I have a screen where the user creates a login and presses the save button. At this point I pop back to the previous screen full of saved logins like this ...
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
However, in this scenario only (once they have pressed save), I want to automatically push the user to another screen (effectively logging them in using the login they just made). This is to ensure that if the user goes back a screen, they return to the list of logins and not to the 'create new login' screen.
My question is how can I force this push in this scenario? Can I somehow make the logins page recognise when the user has just come back from successfully making a lo开发者_开发技巧gin?
//Do something
//Show login
Or if you are using a centralized navigation controller you can do this in your login view controller
- (IBAction)saveButtonPressed
[yourAppDelegate.mainNavigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
[yourAppDelegate.mainNavigationController pushViewController:nextView animated:YES];