I'm currently using the amazon orders API to get order details. I then create orders on our system, which then get shipped from here.
I'd like to update the amazon orders once the goods have been shipped with our shipment number etc., but can't find any API to do开发者_开发百科 this.
Is there an API to update amazon's orders with shipment information, if so, where/what is it?
I've searched all over the place, but haven't found anything so any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is no API to modify orders directly. However, you can use the feed submission API in MWS to submit a feed to confirm orders, mark them as shipped, and add shipment tracking information.
Here's where you'll get the detailed technical information:
MWS Feed API Reference is here: https://developer.amazonservices.com/gp/mws/api.html/189-7733093-6915107?ie=UTF8§ion=feeds&group=bde&version=latest
You'll need to invoke SubmitFeed with a feed of type _POST_ORDER_FULFILLMENT_DATA_
For the details of the feed itself, the info is : https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/help.html/ref=au_200357600_cont_help?ie=UTF8&itemID=200357600&language=en_US
You're looking for an Order Fulfillment feed: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/help.html/ref=ag_381_cont_341?ie=UTF8&itemID=381&language=en_US
There's a sample available on Seller Central.
The ability to update shipping information (Ship Date, Carrier Code, Carrier Name, Tracking Number, Shipping Method) is available through the Feeds API.
After you've requested and stored Orders (and subsequently requested and stored Items for each order), you have the ability to update an order's (or an order's item's) shipping information in a similar fashion to adding or updating products you list on Amazon; that is, by uploading a delimited file to the Feeds API. To update an entire order's shipping information, simply provide the order-id. To update a specific item's shipping information, provide order-id and order-item-id.
A delimited file may include the fields: order-id, order-item-id, quantity, ship-date, carrier-code, carrier-name, tracking-number and ship-method. The order-id and ship-date fields are required. Fields must be defined on the first line of the delimited file. An example of this feed's file is available here: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/rainier/help/ff/release_1_4/Flat.File.ShippingConfirm.TTH.xls