Exactly as it says on the tin, I just need the most efficient way of counting weeks (i.e. 7-day spans, not calendar weeks) between two dates in C#.
Get the number of days and divide by 7.
int weeks = (date1 - date2).TotalDays / 7;
You may well have a remainder of up to 6 days that will not be included in the number of weeks.
I assume you want to get this on the basis of the Calender. For this you need System.Globalization
DateTime date1 = DateTime.Now;
DateTimeFormatInfo dinfo = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo;
dinfo.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(date1, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFullWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday)
Based on your need you have to set the Calender week rule and the first day of the week.
This gives you a week number for the calender. you can get the same for your other date, the difference is your weeks count
Hope this helps you.
Try this to get the number of days:
TimeSpan ts = date1.Subtract(date2);
int dateDiff = ts.Days();
Then, like @Oded said, divide by 7
int totalWeeks = (int) dateDiff / 7;