I am pretty new to VB and I am not sure why this is not working, basically I am trying to run a stored procedure from my web code. The sp runs just fine in SQL, I've tried it several times so I am sure that is not the problem. I don't want to return any results, I just want to see an "ok" statement if it runs and an error message if it doesn't. The code I am using for the lables (warnings and confirmation) is reused from earlier on the same page, the same goes for the validations (valUpload). I am sure the solution is simple...
Protected Sub RunValidation_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RunValidation.Click
Dim bl As New BL.ORG
Dim db As Database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("MyConnection")
Dim dbCommand As DbCommand
db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("MyConnection")
dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand("Company.dbo.uspMyStoredProcedure")
dbCommand.CommandTimeout = 300
db.Ad开发者_开发知识库dInParameter(dbCommand, "ClientID", DbType.String, ddlCompany.SelectedValue)
db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "startPeriod", DbType.String, ddlStartPeriod.SelectedValue)
lblWarning.Text = "Please confirm that the <strong>ClientID and startPeriod </strong> are populated in the dropdown list."
lblWarning.Visible = True
lblConfirmation.Visible = False
Catch ex As Exception
valUpload.ErrorMessage = "There has been an unexpected error generating the page<br>(" + Err.Description + ")"
valUpload.IsValid = False
End Try
End Sub
I think the issue here is the line
From what I can see, the command you want to run is
Here is an example site. The code is in C# but I think you can get the basic understanding of it. You could also use a translator on it if you really needed to.
I would rewrite it to something similar to this:
Protected Sub RunValidation_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RunValidation.Click
Using cnn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("MyConnection")
Using cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("Company.dbo.uspMyStoredProcedure", cnn)
cmd.CommandTimeout = 30
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("ClientID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) With {.Value = ddlCompany.SelectedValue})
cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("startPeriod", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) With {.Value = ddlStartPeriod.SelectedValue})
Catch ex As Exception
valUpload.ErrorMessage = "There has been an unexpected error generating the page<br>(" + Err.Description + ")"
valUpload.IsValid = False
End Try
lblWarning.Text = "Please confirm that the <strong>ClientID and startPeriod </strong> are populated in the dropdown list."
lblWarning.Visible = True
lblConfirmation.Visible = False
End Using
End Using
End Sub
A few notes:
- Wrap as little code as possible in a try-catch. In this case, only the database should be a cause of concern (granted you validated the inputs).
- The using statement very neatly disposes your connection and command objects in case of problems.
- You probably want to refactor the code even futher, keeping the database-calling section in a separate function/sub, and setting labels and UI messages somewhere else.