I have an application set up so that I can adjust its skin at run time. I am doing it as follows each time I change the skin:
Uri uri = new Uri("SomeThemeAssembly;component/Themes/StandardTheme.xaml", UriKind.Relative)
ResourceDictionary resource = (ResourceDictionary)Application.LoadComponent(uri);
This works fine.
I have also created a custom control with its controltemplate defined in Themes/Generic.xaml using ComponentResourceKeys for the relevant resources, etc
TypeInTargetAssembly={x:Type local:MyCustomControl},
The style of the custom control itself doesnt use a componentresourcekey as I want it to style all instances.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type local:MyCustomControl}">
Again this all works fine and standard controls I have used to compose elements of my custom control are appropriately styled when I change the skin.
However there are a number of custom properties( brushes, widths, etc) on my control that need to be styled to fit in with the skins I am applying.
In examples I have seen using the standard windows themes adding an additional file
for example, to the themes directory of the custom control allows a modified control template to be set and picked up when that particular theme is applied. This won't work for me, as far as I can tell anyway, as my skins are not themes.
Can something similar be achieved when using 'skins' in the manner I have?
Obviously I can add Styles and ControlTemplates to my skin assemblies but this feels wrong especially as there is a standard naming convention across the skin assemblies for resources. So only a single more maintainable style would be required if it could be stored in Themes/StandardTheme.xaml in my custom control's assembly.
Having tried to read around on this subject I have the impression want I want to do is either impossible or will require loads of extra leg work.
Any thoughts appreciated.
In the CustomControls Themes Directory add a MyNewTheme.xaml file that's a resource dictionary that has an implicit style set for your control. Then merge that resource dictionary in with your other one as needed. For example:
Uri uri = new Uri("SomeThemeAssembly;component/Themes/MyNewTheme.xaml", UriKind.Relative)
Uri controlsUri = new Uri("ControlAssembly;component/Themes/MyNewTheme.xaml", UriKind.Relative)
ResourceDictionary resource = (ResourceDictionary)Application.LoadComponent(uri);
ResourceDictionary resource = (ResourceDictionary)Application.LoadComponent(controlsUri);