I'm using Visual Studio 6.0 for a VC++ project. There are about 38 projects included in the workspace. I need to use the functions present in one of the projects, say X project... in another project say Y.
One way to do is to add all the .cpp files and .h files present in project X to project Y. This works. But开发者_JAVA技巧 I'm looking for a solution where I can include all the files of the project X, in project Y without actually adding the files physically. Some kind of settings must be there which should help me do this. I tried including all the related DLL's and .lib files present in X to Y, and when I execute, I get the error: unresolved external symbol"public:virtual__ blah blah...
Add the path containing the header file that you want to use (x.h) into
Project->Settings->C/C++->Category(Preprocessor)->Additional Include directories
Then add the path containing the .lib file for the project you want to use (x.lib) into
Project->Settings->Linker->Category(Input)->Additional Library path
Finally, enter the name of the lib you want to use (x.lib) into
Project->Settings->Linker->Category(General)->Object/library modules
Then just do
#include <x.h>
at the top of your new file in project Y to use methods from x.h
When you want to use a function of project X in project Y than the project X must be a kind of library (static library or DLL). To do so, you have to
change the include search path of project Y so that it includes the directory where the header files of project X reside.
add the library
to the linker "additional libaries" of project Y. If X is a DLL project thX.lib
import library is added, if X is a LIB project, the project output is immediately the X.lib to be added to project Y.
The latter step can be done be defined "project depencies" in the workspace. But I recommend to do this with linker settings.
Added the .cpp files to the project Y is a bad idea. The project X is designed to compile its files.
Edit: If X is a DLL project then it must export the symbols that you want to use.