How can I add a custom event in Ma开发者_运维知识库gento like "done_some_thing"?
I am coding for a shopping cart which gives a certain % discount for the customers who comes through a particular link, and want to show the same in both Cart and Checkout Page
To dispatch an event, use the Mage::dispatchEvent
function (%magento%/app/Mage.php around line 425
). Calls look like this:
$data = array( 'somedata' => 'foo', 'layout' => $this->getLayout());
Mage::dispatchEvent('my_event_name', $data);
In order to observe an event, specify the observer in the config.xml file of your extension.
Create a corresponding class and method (Observer.php) and you're set to go:
class Myextension_Model_Observer {
public function someMethodName($event) {
$layout = $event->getLayout();
$someData = $event->getSomedata();