I'm having a problem binding a dynamic event in jQuery. What I want to achieve is to have an event that acts on a variable that has previously been set. For example I have
someFunc = function (form_id)
$("input").bind("focus", function ()
$("#"+form_id).css({"border":"1px solid red"});
Now this is a large simplification of what I'm looking to do but the dynamic nature of a variable when binding is what I need. The problem here is that essentially I want jQuery to execute on whatever "form_id" was when the bind was applied but instead it will execute on whatever the "form_id" is when the focus is triggered.
I understand why this occurs, my question is how can I achieve the functionality I'm looking for. (Again form here is just an example, not an actual bit of functionality).
Edit 1:
This is probably a better example of what I'm trying to achieve:
Dog.prototype = {
name: "Dog",
bind_function : function ()
name = this.name;
$(name+"_edit_form input[name='something']").bind("focus", function ()
开发者_如何学Go {
function Dog() {
this.breed = "Chihuaha";
Rover = new Dog();
Fido = new Dog();
Now I want focus to produce a console log of that particular dogs name, but at present it will just console log the last dog's name?
I was looking for eventData to pass variables at the time of binding rather than execution. About halfway down the jQuery documentation page for bind():
I think this is what you're after?
$("form").each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
$("input", $(this)).bind("focus", function ()
var border = "";
switch (id) {
case "edit_form":
border = "1px solid red";
case "add_form":
border = "1px solid blue";
$(this).css( { border: border });
Although not using your function, it will assign different CSS based on the focused element form ID.
Live test case.