I'm building a Flash ad that uses the Neo Sans font, the text that is shows contains the Euro symbol, but I can get the Euro symbol to show. This is how I'm embedding the font:
[Embed(source='C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/NeoSans Medium.otf', fontFamily='_NeoSansMedium', embedAsCFF='false', mimeType="application/x-font", unicodeRange="U+20AC")]
public static var _NeoSansMedium:Class;
As you can see I'm using the unicodeRange to try to show the Euro symbol, but still it is not showing up.
This is how I'm using this embedded font:
var subPriceFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
subPriceFormat.font = "_NeoSansMedium";
subPriceFormat.size = 40;
subPriceFormat.letterSpacing = 0;
subPriceFormat.color = 0xdc1开发者_开发百科88c;
var testFont:TextField = new TextField();
testFont.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
testFont.defaultTextFormat = subPriceFormat;
testFont.selectable = false;
testFont.multiline = false;
testFont.embedFonts = false;
testFont.width = 400;
testFont.text = "£31,90sdfsdf €";
How can I check that this font supports the Euro symbol, and is the unicodeRange the reason the Euro symbol is not being displayed?
if you already blow up your swf by embedding a font, you should use it as well, so set
embedFont = true;
also make sure you include the correct unicode-range, a good tool is http://inspiritgames.com/blog/2010/09/unicode-range-generator-for-as3/