In how-do-i-access-the-stackoverflow-api-from-mathematica I outlined how one could use the SO API to get Mathematica to make some interesti开发者_如何学运维ng reputation graphs of top answerers. Could this API also be used to provide some privacy-invading insights in the answerers' nocturnal habits?
Certainly, for instance using this MMA8 code:
getActionDates[userID_Integer] :=
total =
"total" /.
Import["" <>
ToString[userID] <> "/timeline?pagesize=1&page=1", "JSON"];
DateList[# + AbsoluteTime["January 1, 1970"]] & /@ Join @@
"creation_date" /. ("user_timelines" /.
Import["" <>
ToString[userID] <> "/timeline?pagesize=100&page=" <>
ToString[p], "JSON"])
, {p, Ceiling[total/100]}
makeWeekHistogram[userID_Integer] :=
dates2Positions =
DateString[#, {"{", "DayNameShort", "+", "Hour", "+", "Minute",
24,Sat->6*24}}"}]] & /@ getActionDates[userID] // Flatten;
Histogram[dates2Positions, {1}, "Count",
GridLines -> {Table[24 i, {i, 1, 6}], None},
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Arial-Bold", FontSize -> 16},
FrameTicks -> {{Automatic,
None}, {{{12, "Sun"}, {24 + 12, "Mon"}, {2 24 + 12,
"Tue"}, {3 24 + 12, "Wed"}, {4 24 + 12, "Thu"}, {5 24 + 12,
"Fri"}, {6 24 + 12, "Sat"}}, None}},
FrameLabel -> {"Day of week", "Number of actions",
First["display_name" /. ("users" /.
Import["" <>
ToString[userID], "JSON"])], ""}, Frame -> True,
PlotRangePadding -> 0]
makeDayHistogram[userID_Integer] :=
dates2Positions =
ToExpression[DateString[#, {"Hour", "+", "Minute", "/60."}]] & /@
getActionDates[userID] // Flatten;
Histogram[dates2Positions, {1}, "Count",
FrameTicks -> {{Automatic,
None}, {Table[{i + 0.5, i}, {i, 0, 20, 5}], None}},
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Arial-Bold", FontSize -> 16},
FrameLabel -> {"Hour", "Number of actions",
First["display_name" /. ("users" /.
Import["" <>
ToString[userID], "JSON"])], ""}, Frame -> True,
PlotRangePadding -> 0]
Of course, we only have server time and dates, but the pattern should tell something about localisation, not? Although... Mr.Wizard... you got no life!
Hourly histogram requested by Mr.Wizard: