I have something link this:
public abstract class Wrapper<T, TWrapped>: where TWrapped : Wrapper<T, TWrapped>
protected T baseObject;
protected ICollection<T> baseList;
protected ICollection<TWrapped> wrappedList;
public Wrapper (T base, ICollection<T> baseList, ICollection<TWrapped&开发者_如何学JAVAgt; wrappedList) { }
Then when I derive from it I need to to something like:
public class Base { }
public class Sample: Wrapper<Base, Sample> { }
Is there a way to remove the TWrapped
and create a reference to the derived type? I tried using ICollection<Wrapped<T>>
but then I remember that there is no covariance in ICollection
EDIT: Clarifications, what I want with this wrapper is provide removal funcionality (and some other things) within the object (I can't change the base object so I need a wrapper to give this funcionality and manipulate it). This abstract class will have methods like this:
void Remove()
this.baseList = null;
this.wrappedList = null;
I end up changing the logic of how I'm going to make the lists sync and allow Items to remove themselves. I created a new class to hold a collection of the wrapped items:
public interface IWrapper<TModel>
TModel Model { get; }
public class WrapperCollection<TWrapper, TModel> : ObservableCollection<TWrapper> where TWrapper : IWrapper<TModel>
protected IList<TModel> modelList;
public ReadOnlyObservableCollection<TWrapper> AsReadOnly { get; private set; }
protected WrapperCollection(IList<TModel> modelList)
this.modelList = modelList;
AsReadOnly = new ReadOnlyObservableCollection<TWrapper>(this);
public WrapperCollection(IList<TModel> modelList, Func<TModel, TWrapper> newWrapper)
foreach (TModel model in modelList)
public WrapperCollection(IList<TModel> modelList, Func<TModel, WrapperCollection<TWrapper, TModel>, TWrapper> newWrapper)
: this(modelList)
foreach (TModel model in modelList)
this.Items.Add(newWrapper(model, this));
protected override void ClearItems()
protected override void InsertItem(int index, TWrapper item)
modelList.Insert(index, item.Model);
base.InsertItem(index, item);
protected override void RemoveItem(int index)
protected override void SetItem(int index, TWrapper item)
modelList[index] = item.Model;
base.SetItem(index, item);
Using the sample class:
public class wrappedInt: IWrapper<int>
private WrapperCollection<wrappedInt, int> list;
public Model { get; private set; }
public wrappedInt(int source, WrapperCollection<wrappedInt, int> list)
this.Model = source;
this.list = list;
public void RemoveMe()
if (list != null)
list = null;
Then I can instantiate a collection with new WrapperCollection<wrappedInt, int>(listOfInts, (model, parent) => new wrappedInt(model, parent));