I have a class "test" with 2 functions, one to create the prepared statement and one to execute one or more times. The problem is how do i set the binding in the first one and fill in the vars on the other function.
class test {
private static $moduleSql = "SELECT
prettyurl = :prettyUrl AND
mainId = :mainId
private static function pre() {
$db = Db_Db::getInstance();
self::$preModuleSql = $db->prepare(self::$moduleSql);
self::$preModuleSql->bindParam(':prettyUrl', $prettyUrl);
self::$preModuleSql->bindParam(':mainId', $mainId);
private static function getClassByDb($mainId = 0, $id = 0) {
$prettyUrl = self::$parts[$id];
$result = self::$preModuleSql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// get lower level classes
if (isset(self::开发者_如何学运维$parts[$id + 1])) {
self::getClassByDb($result['id'], $id + 1);
} else {
return $result;
You don´t need to bind any parameters in your first function, you need to do that in your second function, right before you execute the prepared statement.
Edit: By the way, you can also call execute with an array that contains your parameters as keys and the values you want to send.
There are so many things wrong with this class definition .. ehh.
It should look like this :
class RepositoryException extends Exception{}
interface iRepository
public function store( $key , PDOStatement $statement );
public function fetch( $key );
class StatementRepository implements iRepository{
protected $_pool = array();
public function store( $key , PDOStatement $statement )
$this->_pool[ $key ] = $statement;
public function fetch( $key )
if ( !array_key_exists( $key , $this->_pool ) ){
throw new RepositoryException(
"Statement with name '$key' does not exist" );
return $this->_pool[ $key ];
$repo = new StatementRepository;
$foo = new Foo( $repo );
$bar = new Bar( $repo );
$db = new PDO('sqlite::memory:');
$statement = $db->prepare( 'SELECT .... ');
$repo->store( 'bljum' , $statement );
This way all the object which have accepted in the constructor an object which implements iRepository
can fetch
statements by name.
You class should not have more responsibilities then it needs. If it is for storing prepared statements , then it should have nothing to do with binding parameters to them and executing something.
Here is what Foo class would do :
class Foo
protected $_repo = null;
public function __construct( iRepository $repo )
$this->_repo = $repo;
public function ergo( $x , $y )
$statement = $this->_repo->fetch('bljum');
//bind values