So I tried to use F# XML parsing post on the following xml (from uclassify API):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<uclassify xmlns="" version="1.01">
<status success="true" statusCode="2000"/>
<classify id="cls1">
<classification textCoverage="1">
<class className="happy" p="0.912929"/>
<class className="upset" p="0.0870707"/>
The code is something like:
let doc =
Xdocument.Load file
doc.Element(xn "uclassify")
.Element(xn "readCalls")
.Element(xn "classify")
.Element(xn "classification")
.Element(xn "class").Attribute(xn "p")
This does not work!!! Seems it can't get the Parsing done. Yet removing the attribute xmlns="" version="1.01"
makes it work:
let doc =
Xdocument.Load file
let test = IO.File.ReadAllText(file).Replace("xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.01\"","")
doc.Element(xn "uclassify")
.Element(xn "readCalls")
.Element(xn "classify")
.Element(xn "classification")
.Element(xn "class").Attribute(xn "p")
Note this problem seems related to Why must I remove xmlns attribute .... So the question is why must I remove the xmlns attribute ? What should I use to parse xml that have an xmlns attribute ?
Thank you
@dahlbyk's version works, but once you have an XNamespace object, you can add a string to it in F# just as you can in C#. As a result, I'd prefer this syntax as it's a bit closer to the way it's typically done in C#:
let xn = XName.Get
let xmlns = XNamespace.Get
let ns = xmlns ""
doc.Element(ns + "uclassify")
.Element(ns + "readCalls")
.Element(ns + "classify")
.Element(ns + "classification")
.Element(ns + "class")
.Attribute(xn "p")
You need to reference elements with their namespace:
let xn (tag:string) = XName.Get(tag)
let xnuc (tag:string) = XName.Get(tag, "")
doc.Element(xnuc "uclassify")
.Element(xnuc "readCalls")
.Element(xnuc "classify")
.Element(xnuc "classification")
.Element(xnuc "class")
.Attribute(xn "p")