I'm making a mobile site for old mobile and testing on Nokia 5130 Xpress Music which has Opera Mini Browser.
The problem is when I have links list on a web page opening in Opera Mini and I try to select one link of the list, but it select the all list items instead of single.
Code of list
<ul id="nav">
<li id="nav-1"><a href="#"><span>Nyheder</span></a></li>
<li id="nav-2"><a href="#"><span>Kalender</span></a></li>
<li id="nav-3"><a href="#"><span>Job</span></a></li>
<li id="nav-4"><a href="#"><span>Kon开发者_运维百科takt</span></a></li>
<li id="nav-5"><a href="#"><span>Fa Svar</span></a></li>
That is a feature of Opera; they have always highlighted all links that go to the same target when any one of them is selected.
(Maybe not always, but I remember fondly loving this feature on Opera's desktop browser roughly a decade ago, and I still love this feature on Opera Mini on my BlackBerry for years. I wish more browsers would do this, I find it a wonderful browsing aid.)
You could make all your link targets go to different locations. If they are actually different contents, that would make most sense to me.