I am trying to display the most recent 15 weblog entries and the most popular 15 weblog entries in ExpressionEngine, this is my code and it gives me blank blocks, any ideas ?
<div id="footseparator_05" class="foot">
{exp:weblog:entries orderb开发者_高级运维y="date" sort="desc" limit="15" disable="categories|custom_fields|member_data|pagination|trackbacks"}
<div id="footbullet_00"></div>
<a href="{title_permalink='weblog/view'}">{title}</a>
<div id="footseparator_06"></div>
<div id="footseparator_07"></div>
<div id="footseparator_08" class="foot">
{exp:weblog:entries orderby="view_count_one" sort="desc" limit="15" disable="categories|custom_fields|member_data|pagination|trackbacks"}
<div id="footbullet_01"></div>
<a href="{title_permalink='weblog/view'}">{title}</a>
<div id="injected_01"></div>
This code is located in one page BTW, thanks for your time :)
Try adding dynamic="off"
to both tags. (See the docs on this tag here.)