im having some trouble using SneakyJoystick and ccTouchEnded stuff.
What is my goal, use the joystick to walk around and the touches to interact with the surrounding area.
I have two layers,ControlLayer (z:2) and GamePlayLayer (z:1) Im Using TiledMap for my ground and map. The Joystick by it self works fine, it is attached to the ControlLayer. I can walk, colide and stuff.
When i add the Touch events to the GamePlayLayer, the touch works, i can click on something on the "ground" and interact with it. BUT my joystick dosent work then, if i run using the touch the joystick just sit there not responsive.
Here is some of my code, if u guys need more, just ask.
Touch methods in the GameplayLayer
-(void) registerWithTouchDispatcher { [[CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher] addTargetedDelegate:self priority:0 swallowsTouches:YES]; } -(BOOL) ccTouchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { return YES; } -(void) ccTouchEnded:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { CGPoint touchLocation = [touch locationInView: [touch view]]; touchLocation = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL: touchLocation]; touchLocation = [self convertToNodeSpace:touchLocation]; CGPoint tileCoord = [self tileCoordForPosition:touchLocation]; int tileGid = [meta tileGIDAt:tileCoord]; if (tileGid) { NSDictionary *properties = [tileMap propertiesForGID:tileGid]; if (proper开发者_C百科ties) { NSString *collectable = [properties valueForKey:@"Collectable"]; if (collectable && [collectable compare:@"True"] == NSOrderedSame) { [meta removeTileAt:tileCoord]; [foreground removeTileAt:tileCoord]; } } } }
And how my scene is arranged:
@implementation SandBoxScene -(id)init { self = [super init]; if (self!=nil) { //Control Layer controlLayer = [GameControlLayer node]; [self addChild:controlLayer z:2 tag:2]; //GamePlayLayer GameplayLayer *gameplayLayer = [GameplayLayer node]; [gameplayLayer connectControlsWithJoystick:[controlLayer leftJoyStick] andJumpButton:[controlLayer jumpButton] andAttackButton:[controlLayer attackButton]]; [self addChild:gameplayLayer z:1 tag:1]; } return self; } @end
Thanks for the help!
The problem is that your code does not account for multiple touches. Using -(BOOL) ccTouchBegan:(UITouch *)touch..
or -(void) ccTouchEnded:(UITouch *)touch..
will only take one touch... instead you need to use ccTouchesEnded:..
your method should look something like this:
-(void)ccTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
//get your touch from the set of UITouches
UITouch *myTouch = [touches anyObject];
//the rest below is the same from your method
CGPoint touchLocation = [myTouch locationInView: [myTouch view]];
touchLocation = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL: touchLocation];
touchLocation = [self convertToNodeSpace:touchLocation];
CGPoint tileCoord = [self tileCoordForPosition:touchLocation];
int tileGid = [meta tileGIDAt:tileCoord];
if (tileGid) {
NSDictionary *properties = [tileMap propertiesForGID:tileGid];
if (properties) {
NSString *collectable = [properties valueForKey:@"Collectable"];
if (collectable && [collectable compare:@"True"] == NSOrderedSame) {
[meta removeTileAt:tileCoord];
[foreground removeTileAt:tileCoord];
You also need to add [glView setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES];
to your appDelegate. I am not entirely sure that the method above works. This question deals with implementing multitouch with cocos2d. Hope this helps
Sorry thats was not the solution, i do want to handle just one touch, the problem was in the priority, i was giving priority 0 to my gameplayLayer, and swalloing every time, so i didnt give chance to the controlayer that had priority 1 to get the touch and act upon my joystick.
The solution that i found was changing the priority from 0 to 2 then, the (controlLayer) joystick would act and pass the touch to the priority 2, that was my gameplayLayer
but thanks anyway :)