The code below is how to show/split 2 rows in a table. But how do I get it to show/split it to 4 rows and not only two ???
dim bCloseRow
bCloseRow = True
Do while not objTrucks.eof
If bCloseRow Then response.write "<tr>"
bCloseRow = Not bCloseRow
response.write "<td><input type=checkbox name=dno value=" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & ">" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") &a开发者_StackOverflow中文版mp; "</td>"
If bCloseRow Then response.write "</tr>"
Thanks for any help.
If there are more rows then four in the recordset you have to make a row more. And if there is less then four you have to insert some empty td tags.
Hope this helps
const iCols=4
dim iCount:iCount=0
if not objTrucks.eof then
response.write "<table>"
Do while not objTrucks.eof
if iCount=0 then response.write "<tr>"
response.write "<td><input type=checkbox name=dno value=" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & ">" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & "</td>"
iCount = iCount + 1
if iCount=iCols then
response.write "</tr>"
end if
if iCount>0 then
for i = iCount to iCols-1
response.write "<td></td>"
response.write "</tr>"
end if
response.write "</table>"
end if
I would do this using a counter instead of a Boolean flag:
Const numCols = 4
Dim counter
counter = 0
Do While Not objTrucks.EOF
If counter Mod numCols = 0 Then
Response.Write "<tr>"
End If
counter = counter + 1
Response.Write "<td><input type=checkbox name=dno value=" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & ">" & objTrucks("TRUCK_NO") & "</td>"
If counter Mod numCols = 0 Then
Response.Write "</tr>"
End If