I started using Zend Cache (APC backend) and all is well in terms of returning cached values instead of hitting the Database each time. However, heres my problem:
$cache_key = 'getrebates_'.$operator_code;
if(PP_Model_CacheService::exists($cache_key)) {
$cached_values = PP_Model_CacheService::load($cache_key);
} else {
//hits the db
$cached_values = $this->getAll($operator_code);
PP_Model_CacheService::save($cached_values, $cache_key);
return $cached_values;
Each operator has their own rebates which vary between operators, now if I change the database and need to clear the rebates for all the operators, how would I do this?
I can use $Cache->clean(), but tha开发者_C百科t will clear the other caches (not just the rebate cache for each operator). If I loop through all operators:
foreach($operator_codes AS $operator_code) {
$cache_key = 'getrebates_'.$operator_code;
That seems like alot of work for the cache. Is there a way to clear just a section of Cache.
//Something like:
$section_key = 'getrebates';
Is there any array structure to the APC cache or is it all cache key/value based?
You can apply tags to values stored in the cache. That way you can easily delete all cache entries which have a certain tag.
$cache->save($huge_data, 'myUniqueID', array('tagA', 'tagB'));
// clear all cache entries with tag tagA or tagC
array('tagA', 'tagC')
Refer to this page: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.cache.theory.html and the API for details about the clean method of Zend_Cache_Core: http://framework.zend.com/apidoc/1.11/
@theduke is right, tagging is the right way to do it, except for APC, as Zend_Cache_Backend_Apc does not support tagging. From the doc:
Be careful : with this backend, "tags" are not supported for the moment
And from your last comment it sems you are using APC as a backend. So either you extend this class and add the Tag behavior (by adding a special syntax in tag identifier? by handling the tag vs cache entry mapping somewhere else?, in a long-term cache entry?), or you decide to use another cache backend.