I have an aspx page, from where I want to give if condition. I have a parameterized function in app_code, which returns a value. I want to check values for blank, if the value is blank, it should execute the else block. This function I want to call under gridview ItemTemplate. and the parameter is the database field "ID" value.
In other words, here is what I want to do..
if functionName(parameter is databaseField Value) Then
functionName(parameter is databaseField Value)
End If
Here is what I am doing.
<% If customTransactions.GetAuthorToBlogEntry(
CType(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"EntryID"), Integer)) <> "" %>
<% End If %>
Can anyone suggest how to call my database field 开发者_如何转开发in this way?
I think that this is what you ask
You call the function this way
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Header Title" >
<ItemTemplate ><%#GetYourData(Container.DataItem)%></ItemTemplate>
and the code behind.
protected string GetYourData(object oItem)
// here is the way you get the data on code behind
return DataBinder.Eval(oItem, "EntryID").ToString();