I have a simple test that connects to an internal portal. I have selenium RC connecting to several browsers on a VM (IE7, FF 4, Opera, Chrome). When I send my test to FF or IE the test runs fine, when I send it to Chrome, I am getting a certificate error:
The site's security certificate is not trusted! You attempted to reach portal.xxx.com, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's
I have used certmgr.msc to add *.xxx.com certificate to windows trusted list. I also have examined the certification chain.
*.xxx.com is certified by Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority, which is listed in my Interm开发者_运维问答ediate Certification Authorities.
Go Daddy Secure Certification Authority is certified by Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority, which is listed in my Trusted Root Certification Authorites
Excellent suggestion by Ross. To implement I have made the following change in my launch of the remote control:
ant -Denvironment="Chrome on %OS_Name%" -DseleniumArgs="-trustAllSSLCertificates" -Dhost="%username%.xxxxxlab.yyyyy.com" -DhubURL="http://segrid.xxxxxlab.yyyyy.com:4444" -Dport=5558 launch-remote-control
Is that correct? If so, it is not solving my problem
Selenium RC generates a new browser profile every time it starts a browser. This sounds like a problem with getting your SSL-configuration change into that new profile.
RC's Firefox support has a way for you to supply a starter-set of profile content, which RC uses instead of its baked-in starter-set. It doesn't appear that the Chrome support has anything similar. The place to add it would probably be in /server-coreless/src/main/java/org/openqa/selenium/server/browserlaunchers/GoogleChromeLauncher.java, at least in the 1.0.x source.
It appears that Selenium 2.0b3 might work for you. Svn #9567 (2010-09-01) added a "-trustAllSSLCertificates" option to tell Chrome to ignore certificate errors.