Before I start processing the messages in the queue i need to harvest off all the "old" messages and deal with them. After that I get into my read/process loop.
will return an arr开发者_Python百科ay of messages, howerver it does not remove them from the queue. Purge
will remove all messages from the queue. I need to do both as a transaction. Is this possible?
It sounds like you need to deal with processing leftover messages after (re)starting a service.
A solution I implemented simply uses a configurable receive timeout to control the processing loop so your service doesn't need to bother about the state of the queue - it will process whatever is there.
Here's a simple C# sample
Message msg;
MessageQueueTransaction currentTransaction = new MessageQueueTransaction();
TimeSpan receiveTimeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30);
while (MyService.IsRunning)
msg = this.sourceQueue.Receive(receiveTimeOut, currentTransaction);
// process your message here
catch(MessageQueueException mqex)
case MessageQueueErrorCode.IOTimeout :
// That's okay ... try again, maybe there's a new message then
default :
// That's not okay ... abort transaction
I planned to extend the timeout to be dynamic in that it would increase the timeout every time the timeout exception throws and reset it as soon as a message is processed.
A short introduction is given in Programming best Practices with MSMQ although it doesn't exactly back my proposed solution.
Digging a little more I found an answer proposing MSMQ Activation which I didn't try out myself yet.