I'm using the Perl bindings for MongoDB, and it seems that when I insert numbers, they are sometimes counted as strings. When I add 0 to the number, it gets converted.
Is there a way, with the MongoDB Perl bindings, to specify the data type on insertion?
Is there also a way to query for specific types?
An example type query might look like this, if there was a "$type" function:
db.c.find({ key: { '$t开发者_开发技巧ype': 'NumberLong' } });
MongoDB does contain a $type operator for checking against bson datatype: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Advanced+Queries#AdvancedQueries-%24type
Unfortunately in Perl you are subject to the languages semantics ... There is no Number datatype in Perl just Scalar.
If Perl has decided to store your value as a string that is how it will go to BSON and $type will likely not match it correctly.
However it does look like the Perl driver attempts to.test if Perl can treat a string its saving as a number in which case.it.is.stored such; you may want to test this along with the $test operator.
Use the looks_like_number parameter in your perl MongoDB driver http://search.cpan.org/~friedo/MongoDB-0.702.2/lib/MongoDB/BSON.pm#looks_like_number
Worked like a charm for me