I made a query which i can populate a table with following theads using all rows of that query.
section_id | section | category_id | category | subcategory_id | subcategory
Now I am trying to create a multilevel unordered list from this populated table. Is it possible to do it? Result should like this:
<li>Section Name
<li>Category name for above section
<li>Subcategory name for above category and section</li>
Thank you for any help.
Something like this, perhaps (untested):
$tree = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$tree[$row['section_id']]['name'] = $row['section'];
$tree[$row['section_id']]['categories'][$row['category_id']]['name'] = $row['category'];
$tree[$row['section_id']]['categories'][$row['category_id']]['subcategories'][$row['subcategory_id']]['name'] = $row['subcategory'];
echo '<ul>';
foreach ($tree as $sec_id => $section) {
printf('<li><a href="test.php?sec=%d">%s</a><ul>', $sec_id, $section['name']);
foreach ($section['categories'] as $cat_id => $category) {
printf('<li><a href="test.php?sec=%d&cat=%d">%s</a><ul>', $sec_id, $cat_id, $category['name']);
foreach ($category['subcategories'] as $scat_id => $subcategory) {
printf('<li><a href="test.php?sec=%d&cat=%d&scat=%d">%s</a></li>', $sec_id, $cat_id, $scat_id, $subcategory['name']);
echo '</ul></li>';
echo '</ul></li>';
echo '</ul>';