I am transitioning from php to ruby and I am trying to figure the cognate of the php commands pr开发者_Python百科eg_match_all and preg_replace in ruby.
Thank you so much!
The equivalent in Ruby for preg_match_all
is String#scan
, like so:
$result = preg_match_all('/some(regex)here/i',
$str, $matches);
and in Ruby:
result = str.scan(/some(regex)here/i)
now contains an array of matches.
And the equivalent in Ruby for preg_replace
is String#gsub
, like so:
$result = preg_replace("some(regex)here/", "replace_str", $str);
and in Ruby:
result = str.gsub(/some(regex)here/, 'replace_str')
now contains the new string with the replacement text.
For preg_replace you would use string.gsub(regexp, replacement_string)
"I love stackoverflow, the error".gsub(/error/, 'website')
# => I love stack overflow, the website
The string can also be a variable, but you probably know that already. If you use gsub! the original string will be modified. More information at http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/String.html#M001186
For preg_match_all you would use string.match(regexp)
This returns a MatchData object ( http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/MatchData.html ).
"I love Pikatch. I love Charizard.".match(/I love (.*)\./)
# => MatchData
Or you could use string.scan(regexp)
, which returns an array (which is what you're looking for, I think).
"I love Pikatch. I love Charizard.".scan(/I love (.*)\./)
# => Array
Match: http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/String.html#M001136
Scan: http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/String.html#M001181
EDIT: Mike's answer looks much neater than mine... Should probably approve his.
Should be close for preg_match