using google re2 library for regex i haven't found a way to parse results, anywhere!
this is a short example
bool b_matches ;
string s_teststr = " aaaaa flickr bbbb";
RE2 re("(?P<flickr>flickr)|(?P<flixster>flixster)");
assert(re.ok()); // compiled; if not, see re.error();
b_matches = RE2::FullMatch(s_teststr, re);
b_matches = RE2::FullMatch(s_teststr, re);
// then,
re.NumberOfCapturingGroups() //-> always give me 2
re.CapturingGroupNames(); //-> give me a map with id -> name (with 2 elements)
re.NamedCapturingGroups() //-> give me a map with name -> id (with 2 elements)
what i have to do to know that only flickr has been matched ?
thank you,
--- after some more testing i didn't have found a soltuion for the namedcapture, only way thing i have found working give me the extracted text and is this.
string s_teststr = "aaa hello. crazy world bbb";
std::string word[margc];
RE2::Arg margv[margc];
RE2::Arg * margs[margc];
int match;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < margc; i++) {
margv[i] = &word[i];
margs[i] = &margv[i];
string s_rematch = "((?P<a>hello\\.)(.*)(world))|(world)";
match = RE2::PartialMatchN(s_teststr.c_str(), s_rematch.c_str(), margs,开发者_StackOverflow社区 margc);
cout << "found res = " << match << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < margc; i++) {
cout << "arg[" << i << "] = " << word[i] << endl;
-------- this will give me in output:
found res = 1 arg[0] = hello. crazy world arg[1] = hello. arg[2] = crazy arg[3] = world arg[4] =
to test with the second part of the string matching...
string s_rematch = "((?P<a>hello\\.d)(.*)(world))|(world)";
--- i get as output:
foudn res = 1 arg[0] = arg[1] = arg[2] = arg[3] = arg[4] = world
my problem is taht the name capture --> a <--- never come out and the output should be cleared (lowercase in case of insensitive match, removed from added compatibily chars,.. ) and processed again against a map because i don't have the named capture which give me the key instead of the value for this preg
You can pass in a string to be populated upon success. For example:
std::string matchedValue;
if (RE2::FullMatch(s_teststr, re, &matchedValue))
if (matchedValue.empty())
//not flickr
// matchedValue.empty() == true