I'm trying to add ajax to WordPress by jquery-ajaxy plugin, and I'm stuck with one thing:
My page is loaded by ajax call, filtered, and appended to dom. So in short, it would be:
data = this.state.Response.data; //full html of page returned by ajax
$mainContent = $(data).find("#content"); //we filter out what we need
$('#content_div').append($mainContent); //we display it
Easy for now, but there are inline js scripts in $mainContent, which are striped by jquery. I need them, somehow.
It a开发者_JS百科ll works, if I just do
But data contains full html (doctype, head, meta) which I can't append.
So, is there a way to make those tags work after .find()
Whenever you create a jQuery object from a string, script tags are automatically stripped. You can see a discussion in here: JavaScript RegEx for div tags
What I would do, as suggested in a post in the thread above, is to wrap the content in special comment tags and use javascript match()
to extract it, the append the whole string.
data = this.state.Response.data; //full html of page returned by ajax
//Assuming your data looks like: ...<!--Content Start-->CONTENT<!--Content End-->...
//we filter out what we need
data = data.match(/<\!\-\-Content Start\-\->(.*?)<\!\-\-Content End\-\->/)[1];
$('#content_div').append(data); //we display it
Try with jQuery Filter instead of find method.