how to animate a pop-up only after the mouse has been over the link for a specific amount of 开发者_如何学编程time. Please help. Using Jquery.????
//Here is my trial
//create a global var called canShow that will be set to true
//as the mouse is over the cursor, and then reset when the mouse moves away.
//then use timeout to display the popup after some interval
//as long as the canShow hasn't been reset to false.
var canShow = false;
var desiredTimeOut = 2000; //in milliseconds
var intervalId;
//assume our link has id 'linkId'
//we'll use jquery since you tag with it
canShow = true;
intervalId = setTimeout(function() {
if(canShow == true) $('#myPopupId').show();
}, desiredTimeOut);
}).mouseout(function() { canShow = false; clearInterval(intervalId);});
Hm, is suppose, you could do something like