
CoffeeScript class extends - TypeError: Object #<Google> has no method 'perform'

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-28 16:01 出处:网络
class Search perform: (text) -> query = encodeURIComponent text results = \'\' request {uri: @uri + query }, (error, response, body) =>
class Search
  perform: (text) ->
    query = encodeURIComponent text
    results = ''
    request {uri: @uri + query }, (error, response, body) =>
      if !error? && response.statusCode == 200
        window = jsdom.jsdom(body).createWindow()
        jsdom.jQueryify window, './jquery-1.5.min.js', (window, jquery) =>
          $ = window.$
          jquery(@pattern).each (i, lmn) =>
            link = $(lmn).text() + " - " +  $(lmn).attr('href') 
            if requiresHttp? && /^http/.exec  $(lmn).attr('href')
              results = results + link + "\n"
              results = results + link + "\n"
          @emit 'end', results

sys.inherits(Search, process.EventEmitter)

class Google extends Search
  @uri     = 'http://www.google.com/search?q='
  @pattern = '#ires ol li .r a'

When I execute

google = new Google
google.perform 'blah'

It's returning the error "TypeError: Object #Google has no method 'perform'". Shouldn't the extend provide that method?


Shortly after posting I re-factored the code. Here is the working result:

{EventEmitter} = require "events"
request        = require 'request'
jsdom          = require 'jsdom'

class Search extends EventEmitter
  constructor: ->
    @linkPrefix   = ''
    @requiresHttp = false
    @uri          = ''
    @pattern      = ''
  perform: (text) ->
    query = encodeURIComponent text
    results = ''
    request {uri: @uri + query }, (error, response, body) =>
      if !error? && response.statusCode == 200
        window = jsdom.jsdom(body).createWindow()
        jsdom.jQueryify window, './jquery-1.5.min.js', (window, jquery) =>
          $ = window.$
          jquery(@pattern).each (i, lmn) =>
            link = $(lmn).text() + " - " + @linkPrefix + $(lmn).attr('href') 
            if @requiresHttp?
              if /^http/.exec  $(lmn).attr('href')
                results = results + link + "\n"
              results = results + link + "\n"
          @emit 'end', results

class Google extends Search
  constructor: ->
    @uri          = 'http://www.google.com/search?q='
    @pattern      = '#ires ol li .r a'
    @requiresHttp = true

class Youtube extends Search
  constructor: ->
    @uri          = 'http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query='
    @pattern      = '#search-results h3 a'
    @linkPrefix   = 'http://www.youtube.com'

exports.Google  = Google
exports.Youtube = You开发者_StackOverflow社区tube

CD Sandchez's comment is correct. If you cut out the sys.inherits line, then perform runs.

What you should do instead is use CoffeeScript inheritance all the way:

class Search extends process.EventEmitter


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取 消
