is there any way to edit/change the default locale setting in localeconv()
I would like to use the the money_format
function, and it works fine, but the locales for my language/r开发者_JAVA技巧egion are not correct.
To be more precise, for Croatia, we use the currency symbol after the number, not before like set in local values?
Are there any ways I can edit this? Or at least manually check, change values, and send new values to setlocale()
Working on shared hosting btw.
has nothing to do with currency symbols, you probably meant money_format()
, but ... well - just use number_format()
and append whatever currency symbol you want to the return value.
If anyone is interested, I made it work with my own replacement of the money_format()
It is basically copy-paste from here with added parameters for forceRight and noSpace
class Helper_Locales
public static function formatNumber($number, $isMoney=false, $forceRight=false, $noSpace=false) {
$lg = isset($lg) ? $lg : setlocale(LC_MONETARY, '0');
$ret = setLocale(LC_ALL, $lg);
setLocale(LC_TIME, 'Europe/Paris');
if ($ret===FALSE) {
echo "Language '$lg' is not supported by this system.\n";
$LocaleConfig = localeConv();
forEach($LocaleConfig as $key => $val) $$key = $val;
// Sign specifications:
if ($number>=0) {
$sign = $positive_sign;
$sign_posn = $p_sign_posn;
$sep_by_space = $p_sep_by_space;
$cs_precedes = $p_cs_precedes;
} else {
$sign = $negative_sign;
$sign_posn = $n_sign_posn;
$sep_by_space = $n_sep_by_space;
$cs_precedes = $n_cs_precedes;
// Number format:
$n = number_format(abs($number), $frac_digits,
$decimal_point, $thousands_sep);
$n = str_replace(' ', ' ', $n);
switch($sign_posn) {
case 0: $n = "($n)"; break;
case 1: $n = "$sign$n"; break;
case 2: $n = "$n$sign"; break;
case 3: $n = "$sign$n"; break;
case 4: $n = "$n$sign"; break;
default: $n = "$n [error sign_posn=$sign_posn !]";
// Currency format:
$currency_symbol = strtolower($currency_symbol);
$m = number_format(abs($number), $frac_digits,
$mon_decimal_point, $mon_thousands_sep);
if ($sep_by_space && !$noSpace) $space = ' '; else $space = '';
if ($cs_precedes && !$forceRight) $m = "$currency_symbol$space$m";
else $m = "$m$space$currency_symbol";
$m = str_replace(' ', ' ', $m);
switch($sign_posn) {
case 0: $m = "($m)"; break;
case 1: $m = "$sign$m"; break;
case 2: $m = "$m$sign"; break;
case 3: $m = "$sign$m"; break;
case 4: $m = "$m$sign"; break;
default: $m = "$m [error sign_posn=$sign_posn !]";
if ($isMoney) return $m; else return $n;