I am trying to download a bunch of webpages from this website:
However, when I try to download the webpages, the webpages I downloaded using PHP and the ones I saw in browser are different. It seems that the ones that I downloaded missed a large part of the original one.
To be more specific, below is one webpage that I am trying to download:
Out of the whole webpage, I am especially interested in the "My Recent Kudos Received" sesssion, but I can't find it anywhere in the source code of the webpage, or any link that direct me to other webpages containing related information.
The code I use for downloading is pretty basic, and it works well for other webpages.
if (!$link) {
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
echo 'Connected successfully';}
function project($link)
echo $gread;
The browser might check the signature of the browser, which performed the request - and send different output, e.g. for IE or iPhone mobile Webkit.
I just requested the page using PHP on MAMP on an iMac and using Safari. Seem to be different.