I'm looking for a stand-alone python function that will take in a string and return a string with the email addresses converted to links.
>>>s = 'blah blah blah a@at.com blah blah blah'
'blah bl开发者_Go百科ah blah <a href="mailto:a@at.com">a@at.com</a> blah blah blah'
Something like this?
import re
import xml.sax.saxutils
def anchor_from_email_address_match(match):
address = match.group(0)
return "<a href=%s>%s</a>" % (
xml.sax.saxutils.quoteattr("mailto:" + address),
def replace_email_addresses_with_anchors(text):
return re.sub("\w+@(?:\w|\.)+", anchor_from_email_address_match, text)
print replace_email_addresses_with_anchors(
"An address: bob@example.com, and another: joe@example.com")
>>> def convert_emails(s):
... words = [ word if '@' not in word else '<a href="mailto:{0}">{0}</a>'.format(word) for word in s.split(" ") ]
... return " ".join(words)
>>> s = 'blah blah blah a@at.com blah blah blah'
>>> convert_emails(s)
'blah blah blah <a href="mailto:a@at.com">a@at.com</a> blah blah blah'
Not super robust but works for very basic cases.
def link(s):
return '<a href="mailto:{0}">{0}</a>'.format(s)