I need to access a webservice
by using spring JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean
.开发者_如何转开发 i can wire it in a context xml and use it. are there any way to use that 'webservice' with only using annotations? i am using apache cxf and spring mvc 3.
baseline is i need to access a webservice without using xml configurations.is this possible?
i saw some annotations like @WebMethod
and @WebMethod
but i don't know how to use it properly.
can anyone pointed me to an example. appreciate your help.
my WS url - http://localhost:8080/test.asmx/HelloWorld
I found the solution. please refer below.
JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean jaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean = new JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean();
String URI = "http://localhost:8080/service";
try {
jaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean.setWsdlDocumentUrl(new URL(URI+"?wsdl"));
logger.debug("WSDL - "+jaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean.getWsdlDocumentUrl());
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error occured while connecting to the TW web service -",e);
Please refer Accessing web services using JAX-WS to get more information about the port and URI.
Service Interface -
public interface testService {
@WebMethod(operationName = "myOperations", action = "")
@WebResult(name = "errorCode",targetNamespace = "")
public String testWebService(
@WebParam(name = "studentId", targetNamespace = "", mode = Mode.IN) Integer studentId,
@WebParam(name = "studenName", targetNamespace = "", mode = Mode.IN) String studenName);
myOperations - is the operation that you need to access in the webService
errorCode - is the return value from the webservice
studentId , studentName - are the parameters that you need to send to the webservice.
I got stuck how to figure out to map more than one attribute as webResults. I posted this question and still didn't have any luck.